Sunday, December 15, 2013

We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a good last week of school!

Monday:  Heart Quiz
Tuesday:  FIELD TRIP!!!!!
Wednesday:  Test Review, Sing a song
Thursday:  Test on Skeletal system
Friday:  Tell me what you learned on the field trip!

Friday, December 6, 2013

One set of skeletons down!  Axial bones this week!

Monday:  Coloring sheets for the body
Tuesday:  Bone lab (see notebook)
Wednesday:  Bone lab (day 2)
Thursday:  Practice axial bones!
Friday:  Quiz on the axial bones and Vocabulary 12 &13

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Three weeks until Christmas!  Them bones them bones!

Monday:  Make corrections to test
Tuesday:  Coloring sheet time:  appendicular skeleton/ Bone development ppt today's lecture
Wednesday: Practice with Henry--can you identify all the parts of henry? Notes on bone development
Thursday:  X-ray practice
Friday :  Quiz on Vocabulary 12 and appendicular skeleton and bone development
 Skeleton song

Practice appendicular bones